Mar 12, 2011

some last gigs 4

with Rimbombante´s Dean Pallen Project...we´ve been doing a lots of House concerts .

some last gigs 3

Farine Biriba again in Montreal, february 2011...sound check.
cold music.
Dan Gignon, Sasha Daud, Diogo Ramos, also Rommel and VovĂ´.

some last gigs 2

At Brookstreet Hotel in last december with Rene´s Pulse Mondiale...

Some last gigs 01

I´ve been playin´in a different projects as allways... here goes some pics ..

with Amelie Leclair,nice evening at |Mercury lounge...goods songs and great voice..
Carl on guitar, me cavaco and gtr, Marc bass and Phil drums...just fun...
